Cypher IT Posts Data Migration Speeds of 3TB/Week!

In its 13th week of migration at The University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust (UHS), Cypher IT has recorded an average migration speed of 3Tb a week! The UHS project will see 37 Terabytes of data migrated from the local GE PACS (STS) and the CSC Central Data Store before May 2013.

Our Data Migration service applies the right combination of system configurations to maximise the throughput from your GE DICOM Application Servers (DASs) without impacting on live clinical services and availability of shared resouces (N3 and Data centre traffic)

***There are now only 3 Cypher Migration slots left for the May 2013 deadline***

Cypher IT’s PACS Data Migration Service provides ALL that your Trust needs to achieve 100% ownership of its PACS data before May 2013 – Hardware, DICOM storage (VNA) software, Data Migration Service and Project Management Services; A holistic approach that simplifies your post-LSP PACS Transition Planning.

Contact Us Today and Take Control of Imaging Future

Opey Olorunlero Business Development Manager


Phone: 0784 620 3650


Has your Trust decided to extend its LSP contract till 2014?  OR   Are you a London LSP site with LSP PACS contract renewals in 2014?

Don’t delay with your PACS Transition planning, start your DM projects early whilst resources are plenty and time is on your side

To arrange a formal meeting with our DM experts, email us at

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