
Problems with encrypted medical CDs?

  • Lost time and productivity
  • Errors reading encrypted CDs
  • CD burner breakdowns need on-site support
  • Capital costs of CD jukeboxes (eg Codonics, Rimage)
  • High risk of Information Governance serious incidents
  • A simple solution for dental or ad-hoc transfers

What about radiology reports?

Reporting on bbRad is easy – and with a single click on the ‘Return’ button, completed reports are verified, attached and returned to the originating site.

Large hospital? A proven, high-volume solution

We recommend an on-site bbRad gateway for large sites, reducing the workload for busy PACS administrators, MDT co-ordinators and busy clinicians. This is thanks to bbRad gateways' automated import into PACS / RIS with correct local patient IDs and accession numbers. Gateway hospitals’ clinicians and MDT co-ordinators also benefit by directly sending from their PACS login, without having to go via the Radiology department.

This enables very high volume transfers and saves money by reducing total staff required to process import requests.

  • Give clinical access to imaging without prior PACS admin intervention thanks to automatic DICOM send of inbound imaging into PACS.
  • Near-100% removal of PACS admin effort, thanks to prior creation of RIS record and updating of DICOM headers, so there’s no ‘Unspecified’ or ‘Missing RIS’ statuses.
  • Reports are automatically attached to the RIS record, reducing PACS admin time and risk of transcription errors.
  • Improve patient outcomes and save PACS admin effort for outbound imaging, thanks to automatic query of report from RIS, so staff don’t have to attach or send the report separately.
  • Newly acquired studies without a report get re-queried after 7 days and routed automatically, ensuring a full patient record.

bbRad gateway is virtualization-friendly – contact us for hardware requirements.

Security Compliance & Information Governance

Security has been our obsession since we started in 2001 – as reflected in our name. Cypher IT complies with the NHS DSP Toolkit, Information Governance and Caldicott requirements in addition to GDPR obligations for handling of personal information including that defined as sensitive data under EU law.

We are registred under the Data Protection Act with the Information Commissioner’s Office under reference Z8682964.

Get in touch

We'd love to hear from you, for any sales related queries use the contact form. If you have an urgent support request, please give us a call.

The Factory, 14 Alder Hills
Poole, BH12 4AS