Carnival rolls out bbRad across P&O and Cunard fleet

Cunard Queens Mary, Victoria and Elizabeth
Cunard ships: Queen Mary, Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth

Carnival UK group will roll out bbRad Serverless to the rest of their P&O and Cunard fleets.

The rollout improves patient care for passengers who might require radiology during their cruise.  The project during October and November comprises the remaining 4 P&O ships:

  • Venutra
  • Arcadia
  • Aurora
  • Oceana

And the remaining Cunard ship, with both Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth previously fitted:

  • Queen Mary 2

Already on 5 ships, by mid-November, customers and staff on a total of 10 cruise ships will benefit from bbRad-enabled high speed remote reporting.

bbRad is an independent medical connectivity provider, connecting any imaging system to any reporting provider.  For Carnival UK group, bbRad connects KonicaMinolta-acquired imaging to experienced UK radiologists.

Independent radiologists can register for a free trial here.

Cruise companies should contact us using the form below.



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